You see,  that’s the thing about society my dear. Always wanting to be in control. In control of how you act,  what you say or do and everything that has to do with your living in general. Many of you will totally succumb, this is okay,  especially if it works for you. But there are those of you that’ll say , ‘NO’. You’ll say no because,  you’ve seen that not all of society’s ways are best for your kind. Infact,  it prevents you from functioning at your fullest most times. This will lead you to exhibit random displays of insubordination. But society won’t stop there, obviously they want it ‘their way’. So they’ll do all they can to weaken you in order to gain power over you. Yes,  sadly,  they’re intoxicated by power. They’ll try to drain your voice, but knowing your kind,  this only pushes you to get louder. Such acts will definitely earn you many titles, labels. You’ll often be described as stubborn,  disobedient,  rebellious etc.  But if you understand and feel deeply right about whatever it is that you are or do,  then all of these factors shouldn’t be considered as reasons to relent, more so if it doesn’t affect the existence of another. In the end ,  society would never cease to forget you,  the only reason being that despite all odds…you remained STRONG.


Source: pinterest

UGLY because growing up, that’s what you’ve been conditioned into thinking. On meeting a person, our major assessment of who or what they might be is usually centered around the physical appearance, with much attention given to the face. And with such analysis, persons usually tend to fall into categories of being either pretty or ugly. Little wonder many of us try all possible means to look ‘exceptionally beautiful’, some going as far as having to endure long hours of painful plastic surgical operations just to alter the natural state of their appearance in order to fit into the commonly accepted ideals of beauty or attractiveness. But as ages passed, and with more self-learning, I’ve come to realize that these are just preconceived notions governing such standards, and in many cases of broaching the subject, I find myself constantly asking questions regarding what beauty and ugliness really is, the idea behind them, how these ideas came about and what exactly the lines are, separating them? What makes it funnier is when a strange person walks into a place and there’s a sudden heated argument  over how attractive he or she is or whether or not they even fall into the bracket. And so many times these arguments wire off to nothing. But why should one allow man’s illusions greatly control the perception of oneself? The sickening thing about these concepts is that what may be considered as a superbly attractive face in one spectrum of society would be thoroughly described as highly disenchanting in another spectrum. The result of this leaves me pondering, ‘ Why all these battles then with self, just to fuel man’s insatiable desires?’ Due to all this, one shouldn’t be astonished on hearing condescending statements such as, ‘Oh, she’s quite pretty for someone with such a large nose’ or ‘ My! What a handsome face, but he’s just too short for a guy’.

These days, I cast glances at people and instead of going with an immediate judgement of their facial appearance, I try to give them complete visual examinations , of course long periods of gawking could make persons feel uneasy…but in giving intermittent stares I’ve been able to reach a point where I find it legitimately baffling how such strong structures bearing great complexities in a way that has been intricately woven to form this wonderful feature of the human body could be easily narrowed down into these shallow boxes.

A face shouldn’t just be passed off as ugly or pretty. No. When next a person is met, although it may not be easy at first, but with careful deliberation one should  endeavour to experience much more than its aesthetics. After many of such scrutinizations, you come to realize that faces tell stories. It reveals a lot about a person, especially aspects of the person he or she might not be willing to share with you or is generally trying to hide. Imagine how much data one could get just by staring into a person’s face; giving you clues as to the race,tribe or ethnicity, the age range, possible past or present injuries, the emotional state, the current health status and so much more that is often ignored. Let’s not forget that this place(face) happens to hold four out of the very essential five senses needed for proper day-to-day functioning in our lives.

For me, there are many things that could easily fall into the UGLY-PRETTY division, but faces for a fact shouldn’t be one of them. As I expressed earlier, I’ve learned (still learning) to view these structures of the human anatomy as STORIES. And with each face comes a new story, a great story. Also, no matter how short or long, wide or narrow, I like to believe that everyone has an interesting side to their story; to their faces.

So friend, when next you find yourself peeping into that piece of glass or peering into another face, instead of laying so much focus on what you assume or may have been taught to believe are the negative or positive aspects that leads to the determination of which area you or them fall into as per the UGLY-PRETTY division, make an attempt to see what this part of the system is saying or trying to say. It doesn’t go without the cliche saying of life being too short to keep on concentrating on the negatives not minding the detrimental effects it could have on one’s health and appearance in general. You have to learn to embrace your individuality, learn to appreciate your story as well as others’. You just got to love yourself.