Author: Tim LaHaye
Genre: Christian books/ Self improvement
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Page count: 366
Month read: April 2016

Favourite Quotes:


Many people  go through life acting a part on the basis of what they think they should be, or how they want they want people to see them, rather than as they really are.

Everyone has weaknesses.

A mature person is one who is sufficiently objective about himself to know both his strengths and weaknesses and has created a planned program for overcoming his weaknesses.

No christian can be mature in Christ, steadily filled with the Holy Spirit and usuable in the hand of God unless he regularly feeds on the word of God.

God never forces his way into a person’s life, He leaves it to an individual to decide whether or not to receive Christ as his Saviour and Lord.

You are never too old or too far for you to change. God is for you and will give you all the help you need. It’s up to you.

The joy provided by the Holy Spirit isn’t limited by circumstances.

We shouldn’t expect what the Bible doesn’t promise.

No matter how intelligent a person is, when he gets emotionally upset, he cannot think in an orderly fashion.

Faith is more important than intelligence or talent.



Formally titled, ” Your Temperament; Discover Its potential”, Tim LaHaye’s “Why You Act The Way You Do” is a book that exposes the reader to the psychology of temperaments but this time based on a biblical perspective. Through the course of study, one is made to realise that everyone is born with a unique blend of temperaments. And these temperaments have a powerful effect on literally everything you do. There are four basic temperament types as discussed in the book:

Mr.Sanguine:  The guy who is usually considered to be the super extrovert. He’s lively, people-oriented but can also be very indisciplined and highly disorganized.

Mr.Choleric: The goal-oriented, hard-working, self-disciplined and very independent guy who at his weak times is very hot and quick to anger, most times dishing out cutting remarks to those around.

Mr.Melancholy: Also known as the “Artie Melancholy” as he is known to be the most gifted of all temperaments, having not just a very high IQ and analytical skills but also strong creative and imaginative capabilities. But in weak times, he is prone to occasional moodiness, fear and depression.

Mr.Phlegmatic: The nicest of all temperaments. Due to his calm and easygoing nature, he never gets upset. But his lack of ambition and drive leaves him to a state of constant fear and extreme worry, especially when he realizes later in life that the other temperaments have outdone him.


Tim LaHaye defines temperament(s) in his book as a combination of traits inherited from our parents. No one knows where it resides, but he thinks it is somewhere in the mind or emotional center( often referred to as the heart). He goes further to explain that no temperament is better than the other. Each temperament type has its own set of unique strengths as well as weaknesses. Also, no two persons has the same temperament type or blend of temperaments,each person has a unique blend of two or more temperaments with one being the primary or predominant temperament and the other secondary.

The objective of this book is to help you find out your temperament (a free temperament test which you can carry out is available in the book), its strengths, weaknesses and how you can manage and maximize these gifts to your benefit. And Tim LaHaye says the only way to achieve this is by inviting the Holy Spirit into your life which is done through endless prayers, constant hearing and studying of God’s word.

Why You Act The Way You Do is a must have for anyone who wishes to understand himself and others in order to improve his daily life, as well as relationships with people. It also educates you on the type of jobs, workplaces and partners suited for your temperament type.






Help yourself by getting a copy of this book from any book outlet available near you.


Hello guys.
Today I was featured as a guest on Unilag 103.1fm where I got to talk about Mushrooms, its beneficial effects as well as possible toxic effects. For the sake of those that didn’t or couldn’t get a chance to listen, I decided to give a summary of what was discussed on air. To do so, I came up ten interesting facts you should know about mushrooms.


1. Contrary to what most people think, mushrooms aren’t plants. They do not contain chlorophyll and do not need the sun’s energy for their growth.

2. Mushrooms are highly nutritious. Not only does water account for about 90% of their content, but they are also rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals.

3. Fats, Carbohydrates and Salt  content of mushroom is LOW.

4. Modern scientific studies suggests that mushrooms can be useful for antibacterial, anti-inflammatories and antioxidants

5. Health benefits of mushroom consumption includes, relief from high cholesterol levels, stronger immune system, weight loss, aids in treatment
against cancer and diabetes etc

6. In ancient times, mushrooms were used as sources of dyes.

7. The world’s largest producer of edible mushroom is China which produces about half of all cultivated mushrooms.

8. Poisonous mushrooms are very deadly and could lead to serious health problems such as comas, nausea and vomiting and in really worst cases DEATH. (Do not go mushroom hunting except you’ve been trained and are qualified to do so.)

9. Edible mushrooms, which have been grown in controlled  and sterilized environments  are available for sale in grocery stores. Do not trust unknown sellers. Always go for sealed products from reputable stores or companies.

10. October is mushroom month.


Source : organicfacts.net

In all , be very careful with mushrooms because as much as they be beneficial, they can also be dangerous.

Thank you.

LET’S TALK LOVE with ellie


Creds: artbyellz

Hmmm, love, love, love. This love thing. One minute it’s like you’re walking in the clouds and the next it’s like you just had a great fall, feeling weak, sore and really exhausted from it all. Love is all we need. This is true, but how can something so valuable be both good and bad for one’s health. If you ask me, I’ll say the toxic effects far outweigh the therapeutic effects of the love medicine.


Picture source: favim.com

So many people out there, both young and old have at some point in their lives experienced the pain that comes with lovesickness; that state where you find yourself feeling down and blue because you’re yearning for love or missing a loved one who is far away or wanting love again badly after a breakup. In most cases , the sicknesses are temporary and fade on their own. But if it stays for too long like in Zainab’s case from the story “Love Sickness”, you may want to consider seeking professional help and advice.

What are the signs, how do I know I have this sickness, is it even an actual condition?
Yes it is. It’s very real and has become so common and widespread. As a result of this, much work and study has been put into it and it is reported that this form of sickness could pose serious long term health issues if not seen and attended to early enough.

In 1979, Dr. Dorothy Tennor coined the term “Limerence” to describe this psychological condition.

The signs or symptoms that could be used to tell whether or not a person is suffering from love sickness are pretty obvious and do not need clinical tests to be noticed. They include:
1.) You experience sleeplessness, loss of appetite or stomach upset. These may sound like the symptoms of flu, but they’re the first signs that come with lovesickness.
2.) You notice that you feel physically ill, feeling weak and tired most times even when you haven’t engaged in much physical activity.
3.) You experience difficulty in breathing.
4.)You feel nauseous and have a desire to throw up from the stress.
5.) You feel as if something is lost or missing in your life and has left a hole, a truly deep hole inside you.
6.) You feel alone most times and even when around others, you find it hard to communicate and connect, probably not wanting to talk about your feelings.

It is important to know that the symptoms associated with lovesickness can sometimes mirror that of heartbreak at the early stages and depression at the later stages. The way to distinguish both is that, a person with depression tends to express more psychological and emotional responses such as hopelessness, lack of enthusiasm, worthlessness and in worst cases suicide. From this, we could say that along the line, Zainab went from being not just infatuated with love, but also to being highly depressed.

So I now know that what I have been going through is nothing other than love sickness. How then do I heal myself of this miserable wonderful feeling?

Just like most common ailments,the treatment of a person with lovesickness is pretty simple. You just need to exercise patience while you undergo therapy and healing, and with time, you’ll notice that you feel whole again.
That being said, here are some of the remedies and ways to help you get through your current state:

1.)Eat healthy: As tempting as it is to snack on junks and fast foods, your body needs good wholesome meals at this period. This is to help you stay in the right shape and frame of mind. Eat healthy foods and have fun being adventurous by trying out new recipes you’ve either fancied or seen in cookbooks. Not only will this have a beneficial effect on your mental and physical health, but it’ll also serve as a source of distraction from the negative thoughts running through your mind.

2.)Stay hydrated: Take plenty of clean water. Avoid drowning your sorrows and pain in alcohol. This will only prolong and worsen the feeling. Water isn’t just the best healthy option when it comes to drinks, but it’s also highly refreshing and much more satisfying.

3.) Treat your body with love: Love is what you need at this very crucial stage of your life. It’s why you feel this way after all. Instead of waiting on somebody else’s love and affection, why not nourish yourself with that much needed love. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get off the couch. Go do something that makes you happy. Engage in worthwhile activities. Better still, try doing things you haven’t done before. This could be a form of sport or art. Channel your energy into positive things, things that’ll help improve both your mental and physical state.

4.) Get lots of sleep: According to an old report on CNN, studies have shown that sleep clears the brain of toxic substances. So try as much as possible to clear your head of worries and fears by getting lots of good sleep. And how do you do this? By simply having a healthy and regular sleep pattern. Remove all forms of distractions such as the TV, computer, videogames etc from your room. Set designated off times for your phone. Ensure that the room’s temperature is just right for you. Go to bed every night at the same time and wake up every morning at the same time. Good sleep and rest is a very essential part of healthy living.

5.) Declutter: You recently broke up with this person. Chances are you still have some of their stuff in your possession. This could be photos, love cards, messages etc. It is advised that you get rid of them by either returning them or disposing them. You might even have a few novels, movies or songs  that remind you of this person. Clean all of these things out of your life. Having things that constantly remind you of a person that left you or has refused to return your love doesn’t bring the person to you, it only make you feel really sore.

6.) Engage in positive thinking: Everything isn’t sweet and rosy. We know that. But it really helps if you start seeing your life in a different way. There are so many benefits attached to the single life. I mean, you have your space, freedom, no arguments etc. You have all of your time to yourself. And there are so many positive things you could do or achieve in these times. Doing these things will in turn make you feel happier, and when you feel happy with yourself, you begin to have a sense of appreciation for yourself. Noticing all of these and the effects they have on you will make you want to improve more on yourself as an individual. You’ll want to be seen as a person with integrity and a high sense of self-responsibility. A person who can independently and singlehandedly run their life. All of these are good things.

7.)Leave the house: Leave the house and spend time with other people. Meeting people shouldn’t be for the sole purpose of dating. You need company, and the way to get this is by meeting and interacting with people, maybe at workshops, seminars, gyms, libraries, the mall or even your place of worship. Connect with family, especially if you’ve cut them off.

These are some of the ways in
which you can help yourself through lovesickness. But if after trying these, you still feel you can’t cope, please seek medical assistance immediately.


Start by loving yourself first.

Till I come your way again, this is elliedaily wishing you a happy valentine’s day.💕



Haven’t you noticed how God uses the smallest things or people to do big things. I was going through the contents of my phone and was stuck on a particular picture in which I had a mickey mouse customized T-shirt on.


It all started with a mouse, great things can also start with you

After looking at the picture closely for a while, my mind became centered on the drawing of the mouse on my t-shirt. I found myself thinking, “It all started with a mouse…” I had obviously seen that quote somewhere(can’t remember where exactly) but I couldn’t help but wonder, “It all started with a mouse Ellie, not a lion; the proclaimed king of the animals nor the elephant; the heaviest animal known or even the blue whale, who happens to be the biggest animal, but a teeny weeny mouse. And then, mickey mouse went on to be the most popular and most adorable animal character from cartoons. Looking and thinking about this fact, it made realize something , which is probably a know fact: When it comes to calling, God’s calling for a mission or purpose, God doesn’t look at one’s age, size or importance. As long as He has chosen you for a particular course, He’ll give you the power you need to undertake such a course.
Let’s take the very good example of David and Goliath’s story from the bible. (1samuel 17).

Goliath a very tall and huge man(from the biblical description, it is assumed that he must have been 9ft tall) clothed in full armour came out daily for 40days, challenging and mocking the Israelites to a fight. Saul who happened to be the king of the Israelites at the time was highly terrified of Goliath. They cowered in fear (Saul and his people), while the Philistines continues to taunt them. Isn’t it funny why King Saul ,the obvious challenger for Goliath refused to take up the battle and defend his people. Not only did he have the necessary weapons needed for such a big battle, but he was almost as tall as Goliath. It was David , the youngest son of Jesse, probably a young teenager at the time that heard Goliath shouting out his daily defiance. This was on the day he was carrying out an errand which he was sent on by his father to feed his brothers.
Now the cowardly King Saul had heard much about little David, but it was only after much persuasion he finally agreed to David’s taking up of the battle against the Philistines and their giant.
Clothed in his simple tunic, carrying his shepherd’s staff, sling and a pouch full of smooth stones(this he got after careful selection) David approached Goliath ready to face him. As expected, the giant hurled insults at him,ridiculing both David’s size and worth as well as that of his weapons.
Imagine being confronted by a boisterous five year old, the thoughts that’ll probably run through your mind is of how you’ll get hold of him and then give him one or two spanks that’ll drive him to tears.
I bet it was the same thoughts that ran through Goliath’s mind. But David responded by saying, “You come against me with a sword,spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied.”
And you know how the rest of the story goes. In the end, the giant was defeated just with the hurl of a stone using a sling. Seeing their master had fallen, the Philistines had no other option than to flee for their lives.
Again what’s the moral in this classic biblical story? Yes, your size, age,amount of power or riches you possess doesn’t qualify you for a God-sent job. It’s the heart that counts. The bravery and courage of the heart. A heart that has placed its faith in the Lord. A heart that believes that when God assigns you for an action, He in turn shapes and designs you to be the right person for such. If such a big dream as the Walt Disney studios can start off with the animation of a very tiny creature, “a mouse” or the defeat of a giant and saving of his people (the Israelites) can be executed through a child, then instead of harbouring so much fear,worry or anxiety ,start believing that there is a God, and with Him on your side , you can achieve and overcome anything both big and small. After all, God wouldn’t put you to deal with things you aren’t capable of, or things that are above your power. So, know that whatever He has called you to do, He that has given you the assignment will definitely equip you with the necessary wisdom,skills, knowledge and power to accomplish it.
Dear friend reading this, I just want you to know that you’re not to small for big things. God is bigger than all your problems. Just learn to call on Him and believe in Him like David did and trust that He’ll help you overcome troubles, even those as big as Goliath in the smallest and easiest ways you or anyone could possibly think off.

Here are more verses from the bible related to stories where God used small things to accomplish big tasks. You can pick up the bible to see them and be inspired from the teachings and lessons they hold.

Exodus 4:2
Judges 15:15
1 Kings 17:12
Matthew 13:32
John 6:9
1 Corinthians 1:27-29
2 Timothy 2:20-22


Hey there! Ellie here!

Yeah, the holidays are over. I don’t feel so great about it either. Nevertheless, one’s got to go with the timing of everything in life. Now it’s back to school time, with most schools already in full swing while some are yet to resume.
It’s time to pack things up and return to school/college.
Whether you’re just starting college or an old pro at college life, it’s important to know that learning at college goes well beyond coursework. New students(freshers) especially have to deal with greater responsibilities, more independence, managing a demanding course load and of course the social scene.
And then in the midst of it all, a complete stranger in the name of a roommate is thrown at you so you have to deal with not only the school and its system but also with the troubles and headaches that come from living with a roommate.

(But when I signed up for college, I didn’t sign a death warrant.)

Yes, it is okay to think this way.
Roommate trouble isn’t uncommon. It’s a pretty popular topic of conversation among students at college. Everybody has them.
I personally know some bad roommates. I had to deal with some really messy roommates for a couple of years. I’m not saying I  was a perfect roommate either, and I know we can all be messy at times. But I don’t think any normal person can live in a room that hasn’t been cleaned for days, with dirty dishes, pots and pans already growing moulds, you’d think someone was deliberately culturing them for some scientific research.  Do not feel insulted but if you say you can, then Mr. Pig must be your first cousin.

I have spent a short part of my life living with roommates and over the years, I’ve learnt that roommates problems are easy to understand and approach if done in the right way. You see, while having a roommate will definitely come with its challenges, it can serve as a great part of your college experience. Not only that, but the experience gained would be a form of exercise in human relationships which if carried out correctly could lead to lifelong friendships or relationships or at the very least lifelong skills and techniques in getting along with new persons you’ll meet in the future. It also helps you to get to know more about about yourself  and will show you areas where you need to adjust in order to be a better person.

When you first meet your roommate, the probability is that you would want to be on your best behaviour. You want to make sure you get along with each other, so you try hard to make sure you’re not the awful roommate everyone’s talking about. This works at first and you can get carried away with the pleasantness of things that you forget to think ahead to potential problem scenarios until they finally hit.
Eventually things begin to get really frustrating for you and your roommate(s).  And after numerous conflicts, there’s a lasting feud among members of the room.
Roommates take sides, usually out of sentiments and then it’s like a war zone with everybody setting boundaries and having territories. But this approach doesn’t solve any problem, it only makes matters worse for all.

There’s this all time favourite quote my mum doesn’t fail to share when the time calls for it, “No man is an Island”.  This is true, it explains why we as human beings will always need people to rely on. We can’t do everything by ourselves. The same applies to living with roommates. Let’s say a roommate has an emergency case that needs urgent medical attention, who is to see to the roommate first? The next roommate of course. It is he or she that’ll be able to call for help or give the necessary assistance needed.  So you see, as roommates, we have now been made a small family, and what do you need family for if not for help and support when needed. Knowing this, I think it’ll be of great interest if we try to live harmoniously with roommates. Of course, you’ll definitely meet really stubborn and annoying ones, but if done right, living with roommates can be the easiest thing to do while at college.

By following these tips, you can make sure you and your roommate(s) keep things pleasant throughout the year.

Start by getting to know each other. Try to engage in worthwhile discussions. Ask questions about likes,  dislikes, habits and living conditions in general. You don’t have to be best friends, but getting to know each other ahead of time can help you prepare yourself for a positive roommate relationship.

Be open and friendly in your communication. Ask open questions and give honest answers. Talk about family, hobbies, academic matters etc. Now be careful when doing this, you wouldn’t want to come off as nosy or make it seem like you’re prying into people’s affairs. Your roommate(s) may not want to come out straight at first, some people deem their privacy very important. Try to understand this and be patient with them. As the friendship develops with time, they’ll start to open up and share things with you. In the process you might even discover you’re alike in certain ways.

Define “Neat”. You might be a neat freak or a slob, whichever way, you always have to put the other person’s feelings into consideration. With a little give and take, you and your roommate(s) can adjust accordingly and make your room and environment as comfortable as possible. There should be an agreement as to how you want the room to be arranged and how you’ll manage a roommate who refuses to live up to the standards you have set.

Talk about visitation hours. Decide when it’s convenient for a roommate to have his or her visitors, especially for the opposite gender guest. You wouldn’t want members of the opposite sex bumping into each other especially when they aren’t fully dressed. To avoid this, it’s important to set designated times as to when they’re allowed in the room as well as to what their dos and don’ts should be.

Find a common interest you share with your roommate(s). Perhaps you both enjoy going to the movies or listening to a particular genre of music or like to go shopping, while you obviously won’t be spending all your time with roommates, doing these things together when you have the time can serve as a lot of fun plus it helps you to get to know each other and understand your roommate(s) better.

Get to know each other’s schedule and study pattern. While some roommates make the library seem like a place where anyone can make a living off, others prefer to remain in the room to study. When you understand this, you and your roommate(s) can make out times that’ll govern the utilization of the room in a way that’ll avoid conflicts.

What about sharing your stuff? Just because you’re sharing a room doesn’t mean you may want to share certain things. This one applies to girls especially as we are known to be very petty beings. For instance, you wouldn’t mind sharing your pots and pans with roommates, but having them use your fancy shampoo is a big NO-NO. In order to save yourself of the trouble or confusion that might come later, let your roommate(s) know ahead of time what it is you don’t mind sharing and what it is you want of your own.

Pet peeves and personal habits, we all have them. People react to different situations in different manners,sometimes helping to resolve the case but most times worsening the situation. How do you deal with conflicts? Are you the type to yell, get quiet or nurse a grudge?  What’s a big pet peeve for you?  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should go telling your roommate(s) negative things about yourself. But knowing and understanding your strengths and weaknesses, it helps if you are able to address it/them with your roommate(s). Who knows, you might be lucky to meet a roommate(s) that’ll help you through your habits.

Having dealt with all of these, we now know that living with roommates isn’t all that bad. And when it tries to prove difficult, there are smart and subtle ways to handle it.
In all of that, there are certain factors to  bear in mind when staying with roommate(s) and when you understand this, you are sure to get through the year without any form of roommate problem.
-People study differently, some study and talk, others prefer quiet study.
-Some prefer the windows open at night(for proper cross-ventilation) others want it closed(for fear that they might catch a cold).
-Some roommates fart really loud and at the most inappropriate times.
-Some will use a verbal expression consistently, you’d find yourself wishing such term was never brought to existence. Take for instance, a friend of mine talking, “You know, I was like, I’m not ready for a relationship and then he was like but when will I be, so I was like, I’ll let him know when I’m ready and then he was like, will when you’re ready be the end of the world, and then I was like he should just give me some time to think about it and then he was like… ” (And to myself I’m thinking,” You both are like so annoying”).

These and many more are some of the things you’re most likely to encounter when living with roommates.

But I think we can live past all of these if we just learn respect each other ; respect each other’s privacy, respect each other’s standards etc.

Learn not to take or borrow the other person’s belongings without seeking permission.

Understand that the wish to study or sleep is more important than wanting to play loud music. Roommates should try as much as possible not to disturb others. If you are the type that relies on alarm clocks to wake you up, then wake up at the time you’ve set, ditch the snooze button this year please as it could be so disturbing and annoying.

Do chores without having to be reminded, follow the routine the room has set.

Don’t expect all favours to be returned. Learn to help others because you want to, not because you hope they’ll return the favour some day. You’ll end up hurting yourself if you operate this way.

As per sleeping patterns and arrangements,while most sleep with the lights off, others are night owls and would want the lights to stay on to enable them carry out their work effectively. If there are to be sleep over guests, necessary arrangements should be made prior to the hour so the other isn’t left feeling displaced. ( Remember most hostel rooms are really small and tight).

Most importantly,  never be rude or insulting for no reason. Be kind and thoughtful.

Most schools in Nigeria have Hall Mistresses or Masters that govern and direct the activities of the halls/hostels . If you’ve tried to communicate with your roommate(s)  and are still having issues or aren’t happy about your living condition, talk to your hall mistress or master.

I wish you goodluck and a successful academic year.

Feel free to leave comments or add more tips or suggestions on how to live peacefully with roommates.
(Please share with others if you found this useful, remember sharing is caring)



Finally, 2016 is here!
*dancing shakiti bobo*😁😁😂

Okay, let’s get serious. Happy new year lovelies. New air, New breath, New friends, New vibes,  New me, New you, NEW YEAR!!!!

I know this is coming rather late, but hey, better late than never. I just want to use this medium to give a big shout to those who made my 2015. You see, 2015 was one hell of a year for me, but I’m thankful for all that happened. I am mostly thankful to God for helping me discover the why behind my existence, and I pray that He’ll continue to grant me the grace to use the wisdom He has given me appropriately. Big shout to my readers and visitors, you guys encourage me to do more. Thank you. And to my critics, thanks for your criticism, it helps me know where to make necessary adjustments and improve myself. Exclusive shout to members of my family, for being patient with me and taking time to read my write-ups, while helping me decide what to do and what not to do. There are so many things to be thankful for, but if I go on, the list would be endless. But I must say thank you to God for allowing me see 2016, hale and hearty.

More good reads will be coming your way this year by God’s grace.
I am also going to introduce a new series titled “YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS SPEAK with ellie” to the blog this January. Details on this would be passed across on the Facebook page ;ELLIE DAILY. (If you know a young Nigerian,preferably between the ages of (13-25) who deserves publicity and can serve as a source of inspiration to Nigerian youths because of what he/she is doing, you could send us information about such persons).

If there’s any change or something new you’ll like to see on the blog this year, feel free to make requests.


Here’s to a successful 2016🍻


Busy sidewalks, city sidewalks,
Dressed in holiday style,
In the air there’s a feeling of Christmas children laughing, people passing,
Meeting smile after smile,
And on every street corner you’ll hear.. Silver bells, silver bells
It’s Christmas time in the city
Rina-a-ling, hear them ring,
Soon it will be Christmas day. “
This song wafts into consciousness reminding one of the approaching Christmas.

Hello guys!
It’s that time of the year again! What time is it? It’s Christmas time! Are you ready for Christmas?
Christmas is one of my favourite time of the year, not only because I was born around the period surrounding the festivity, but because it’s always filled with so much joy and happiness. Whether you are celebrating a secular or religious Christmas, it’s the time that just seems to be filled with so much cheer. Children especially not only get to attend Christmas parties, but are sure to receive lots of gifts.
As we grow older though, it appears we begin to feel less excited about Christmas. I still do not know why this is so, but I think it can be attributed to the fact that we have so many responsibilities now as young adults. Due to this, we no longer see the fun in Christmas. But you shouldn’t feel this way,just because you are older now with a lot on your plate doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your Christmas.
If you are one of those who has lost the spirit of Christmas, do not feel sad and unhappy… here are some tips I gathered to help you make the best of your Christmas:

Spread joy : Anywhere you find yourself, be happy. When you hear Christmas songs, sing along. If you don’t know the lyrics, hum to the tune. Don’t be shy. This act not only helps you spread joy and happiness, you also enjoy every bit of it. Wish others a Merry Christmas (be mindful of who you say this to, not everyone celebrates Christmas). If you are not sure whether or not the other party celebrates Christmas, just go with “Happy holidays”. It’ll cost you nothing, plus it’s a way of engaging in an interesting conversation.

Relive the old times: Allow yourself to be a child again. Whatever you did as a child from going to Christmas parties just so you could see Santa Claus (Father Christmas), to getting yourself some new pieces for your wardrobe and even visiting that favourite aunt of yours, just to have a feel of her special Christmas dish, can be done.

Decorate, Decorate, Decorate: Add life to your Christmas. Get Christmas lights and put them around your house. Set up a tree and wrap it in lights and other ornaments. Try to be creative in your decoration.

Visit friends and family : The day of Christmas is a national no work day(except for some medical personnel and the likes). So take advantage of this time and visit friends and family. Try to enjoy each other’s company by engaging in fun activities.

You could also invite friends and family for the above.

Make videos and take lots of pictures with family and friends :this helps you store memories which you can always look back to and smile.

Watch Christmas movies: you could organize a movie night during which you invite friends and family over. Serve drinks and popcorn just like they do in the movies. If you want to save yourself the stress of doing this, then organize an outing to the movies with friends and family.

Do a generous act: the Christmas spirit is all about giving. Spread love by visiting an orphanage home and give them things. If you do not have money, you could give out some of the things you no longer need.

Reflect on the reason for Christmas : if you are not sure about it, why not do some research. In the Bible, you find the Christmas story in the gospel. Consider reading the chapters both to yourself and to family members as part of your Christmas.

Prepare food for the poor and needy: this could be done for those in the hospitals, cells, prisons and on the street.

Give to others: whether to your family and friends or to the less fortunate, spend some Christmas time giving. Gifts don’t have to be expensive, sometimes, just being by a person’s side, giving them words of love, encouragement, and support helps. We give in remembrance of the gifts of the three wise men to the saviour. Most importantly, we give because Christ first gave to us.

Spend time quietly being thankful for the gift of Jesus : Christmas is the day that we as Christians have set aside to celebrate the beginning of the greatest gift mankind ever received, so have a grateful heart.

Please be aware that some people can find Christmas time really hard, especially if a loved one is terribly ill, just died or there’s some family problem going on. For such people, do your best to comfort them and include them in your wishes.

Remember, your Christmas may not have white snow, or a huge pile of presents, or a wonderful choir singing Christmas carols at your doorstep, but your Christmas celebration and thankfulness is all that is required to properly celebrate.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the elliedailyblog to you. 🎅🎁🎅🎁🎅🎁


Throwback Thursday: picture of me from last year's Christmas


They ridiculed her about not having a lover. They made her feel out of place. They made her understand she was an outcast in their midst. They gave her the impression that she was the weird one, because she didn’t receive calls or text messages from that special someone. Because she remained all by herself when they went out on dates. They were of the opinion that she was a complete wreck, and no person in their right senses would consider her a life partner. What they did not  understand was that, for every being on earth, there was a time for everything…

A time to be born,
A time to triumph,
A time to suffer defeat,
A time to be merry,
A time to be sad,
A time to shed tears,
A time for loud laughs,
A time to love,
A time to be loved,
A time for this,
A time for that,
and a time to die.

It was her time now. The loser, now a winner. The unhappy one was now full of smiles. The lonely one now had a person to spend time with. She had learned to love;by being alone most times, she learnt self-love, now it was her turn to be loved.

There are times we find ourselves wishing for the things others have that we do not have. Sometimes we feel we do not fit in because we do not meet up to the expectations of others. When we continously hope for these things and when they aren’t forthcoming, we tend to lose our faith. We forget that life might have a better offer. Have you stopped to think that maybe we don’t receive these things as soon as we want them because life feels we are not ready for them. We might not be as prepared as we ought to be for us to handle these things.
So don’t be in a hurry, enjoy the journey, no matter how bumpy the road maybe. Be grateful for the flat tyres, they’re life’s way of teaching you to always have a spare tyre.Do not grumble when you run out of gas, next time you know you have to be prepared for this. Do not complain each time it rains, for it is only after it the sun shines. Do not lament each time you see the traffic lights come up, not only do they teach you patience, but also let you know when to stop, get ready and go on with your ride. All of these things are temporary setbacks and help in preparing you for the next step.Observe all in the rules life has set and be grateful for all things, because everything that happens at the times, do so for a reason.
We all have our TIME TO SHINE.


